Wednesday 22 June 2011

Tom Welling Workout and Diet

Tom Welling needs an awesome workout to play a superhero like Superman. I remember in 2001 when Tom Welling of Smallville was just beginning and he was not that big. However as the seasons have progressed he has become totally ripped. Tom Welling has the best type of muscle to fat ratio, in my opinion. Read on to learn what I found out from my research!

A workout for Tom Welling

Time for the gold…

In my research I have found an ace workout that is sure to get the body of Tom Welling.  The best way to get a body like Tom is to mix High Intensity Interval Training weightlifting.

Lifting the weights!
The most effective way is to rip different muscles on separate days, the example below is a good routine:
Monday: chest, back and shoulders

Tuesday: biceps, triceps and abs

Wednesday: rest

Thursday: chest, back and shoulders

Friday: Biceps, triceps and abs

Weekend: Rest

Strip away that fat!

Tom Welling has a lean body, right? The most effective way to get this to burn fat…

Here is a workout with interval training high intensity, which will burn fat:

1. In the gym or outside, first jog for five minutes to loosen your muscles.

2. Sprint to the field length or sprint for 25 seconds if in the gym. Repeat for 15 minutes. This releases free fatty acids (which covers the abdominal muscles)

3. Run for 15 minutes until the use of these free fatty acids, which have just been released.

Add this High Intensity Training after each session of lifting weights.

Tom Welling Eating Habits

Eating the right foods to get the lean look like Tom is simple when you know how! In general,  stay away from highly processed foods. Aim to eat foods that are from nature. This is a great rule as it excludes all the processed foods that destroys the lean look, like Tom Welling!

A good meal

A sweet potato, lean chicken breast and a salad with olive oil.

This gives you a meal of complex carbohydrates, a good portion of lean proteins, fats, salad and essential. Three or four meals a day like this is a good start, just remember to be a well-balanced meals that contain good carbs (sweet potatoes, white potatoes, and bread), lean protein and a serving of fruit or some type of salad.

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